The Truth Behind Our Friendship :D
Once i started to play like each day on WYD then their i met jay (Jayalot).
he was the kid (hundred levels lower as u) u kill in pvp but he keeps coming back and laugh wit hit.
now i also keep coming back but i come back untill the enemy dies :p, he wasn't like that at all, so i started to talk we became good friends, helping each other out :D ps: he has a nice sister wich hates me, but i can't stop messing about it, that's just the way i am.
So i First was in germany academy, but decided to leave it and i saw this great 2 people looking uber awesome (victor and tina) and BAM they were academy operators, so i decided , HEY i should joint hem, and that's what i did. So i am the type who brags about his owesomeness, firstly Victor kinda hated me :D, i think its because of tinas sweet moods that vic started to know me :p
So we spoke everyday, firstly he was like every opp, thinking he was the greatest peepz of all :D
but then comes my bragging skills trying to keep killing him haha , even during water parties
ooh i miss those times :D
then vic jay tina and I skyped a lott, that was the epicest time EVER waay better than on WYD
cuz we could laugh due our bad accents , (ME SINGING and telling the weirdest stuff ever) or just jay being stupid and always saying hes a dinosaur or a cat and telling me i'm weird :D
But then their was tina, u can talk to her, u can joke with her
but vic will kill you if u try to flirt her :p (same as jay doesnt want us to talk to lauren)
we are still good friends now times has changes we talk lessely, ut we aint changing we are still best mates in the World. Me always weird , jay weirdier, vic my bro :D
So this was it , love you guys xx
This was written by my friend loic. It means a lot to me ! and I'll always love loic as a bro ( no homo )